Sunday, June 2, 2024

The coed

Mason was your typical college player. Charismatic and handsome, he had no trouble attracting women. But his casual attitude towards relationships had left a string of broken hearts in his wake. The mystical sorority sisters, guardians of true love on campus, decided it was time for Mason to learn a lesson. And so, they cast their spell, transforming him into the perfect girlfriend for his rival, Dean.

When Mason woke up one morning, something felt different. As he rubbed his eyes and stretched, he noticed his hands were softer, smoother. Confused, he sat up and looked down at his body. His eyes widened in shock as he took in the sight of perky, cleavage-baring breasts and a flat, toned stomach. His eyes trailed down further, only to find a slender, feminine waist and curvaceous hips. Long, shapely legs replaced the muscular thighs he remembered.

"What the... how?" Mason's voice came out in a panicked, high-pitched squeak. The sound of it made his eyes go wide with shock.

As he leaped out of bed, his feet slipped into a pair of pink fluffy slippers, and he caught sight of his reflection in the full-length mirror. Long, wavy blonde hair framed a stunningly beautiful face, with full red lips and big, fluttering eyelashes. His eyes, a deep shade of emerald, sparkled with a mixture of confusion and growing horror.

"No way... this can't be real," he whispered, his voice shaking.

But as he explored his new body, he realized the transformation was more than skin-deep. He felt a strange warmth in his chest, a bubbling cauldron of emotions. His heart felt lighter, more open, and his mind was flooded with unfamiliar thoughts and urges. He felt a compulsion to please, to be desirable, and a growing affection for someone... Dean?

Mason's eyes widened further as he realized he was dressed in a cute baby doll nightie, short enough to showcase his smooth, hairless legs. His nails were perfectly manicured and painted a delicate shade of pink, and he could smell the faint fragrance of perfume wafting from his skin.

"Oh my God," he moaned, burying his face in his hands. "What has happened to me?"

As he stumbled into the bathroom, he noticed a note on the counter, written in a flowing, feminine script.

"Welcome to your new life, Macie," it read. "You've been chosen to be the perfect girlfriend. Embrace your new identity, and remember, resistance is futile. Your only path to happiness now lies in embracing your true self and making Dean fall madly in love with you."

Mason felt a mix of anger and despair as he read the note. He wanted to fight this, to return to his old self, but an insidious warmth was spreading through his body, clouding his thoughts with girly impulses. He found himself reaching for the makeup brushes, wanting to enhance his already stunning features.

As the days progressed, Mason found himself struggling to adapt to his new life. He tried to resist the urges to dress up and act girly, but the magical compulsions were strong. He found himself secretly enjoying the attention he received from men, the way they looked at him with desire, and the way his new body responded with a flush of warmth and a tingle between his legs.

He caught himself daydreaming about Dean, imagining himself as the perfect girlfriend, cooking romantic dinners and snuggling on the couch. It frustrated him that his body was betraying him, responding to the magical influences with a growing desire to submit and please.

As the weeks went by, Mason found himself giving in to the urges more and more. He started dressing in cute outfits, flirting uncontrollably, and even found himself giggling like a schoolgirl. His once sharp, masculine features had softened, giving him a perpetually cute and innocent expression.

One afternoon, as he was walking across campus, he felt a sudden, overwhelming urge to be naughty. Before he knew it, he had bent over and flashed his lacy panties at a group of construction workers, earning himself wolf whistles and catcalls. His face flushed with embarrassment and arousal, and he hurried away, his heart pounding.

Mason's anxiety grew as he realized he was enjoying his new identity, despite his protests. He found himself looking forward to seeing Dean, feeling a strange pull towards him that he couldn't explain. When they finally met, at a frat party, Mason felt a spark of electricity as their eyes locked.

Dean, tall and handsome, with a chiseled jaw and deep brown eyes, approached Mason with a confident stride. Mason's heart fluttered as Dean took his hand and pulled him close, whispering in his ear.

"You look absolutely stunning tonight," Dean murmured, his warm breath sending shivers down Mason's spine.

Mason blushed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and pleasure at the compliment. He opened his mouth to respond, but all that came out was a girly giggle. As they spent more time together, Mason found himself relaxing in Dean's presence, feeling safe and desired. His body responded to Dean's touch, and he found himself craving the feeling of Dean's strong arms around him.

As they shared their first kiss, Mason felt a rush of emotions. It was like fireworks were exploding inside him, and he melted into Dean's embrace, his hands tangling in Dean's hair.

In that moment, Mason knew he was lost. He had fallen under the spell of his own desire, and he realized that he wanted nothing more than to be Dean's perfect girlfriend. The mystical sorority sisters had gotten their revenge, and Macie, once the heartbreaker, had finally found her match.

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